Thursday, August 22, 2019

wearable arts

Yesterday we went down to the high school to do our wearable arts our group is making a hoop skirt and covering it in ferns then were also going to make a bird nest as a hat and put native birds. We have a topic flavours of the west coast in my group i have Hannah and Rata


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Kia Ora Liam, It's Emil here from T1. I really like this blog post you've done on Wearable Arts and how you've added what you're actually doing for your costume. Do you like Wearable Arts? Are you excited?

    Maybe next time you could even add in a picture of your costume or even of any costume just to add in some colour. My group are making a sort of overgrown human with a big cloak which I think looks really cool. Keep up the incredible work Liam!


  3. Kia ora Liam Im Alex From your class I like your wearble arts idea it looks pretty cool my favourite part of your outfit is the bird nest hat it looks pretty cool Anyway goodbye from Alex

  4. Hi Liam!
    Your costume sounds so technical! I can't wait to see the final product! Who is going to be your model?
    Keep up the great posting.
    Miss H :-)


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